Ross & Roberts Limited

We are constantly reviewing and updating our welfare approach to ensure that we lead the enforcement market when it comes to identifying and managing vulnerable customers’ accounts. Our fluid approach is based firmly around our organisation’s ethics, and the requirement to collect our client’s monies, as fairly and professionally as possible.

In response to the changing landscape of vulnerability, and the impact of enforcement processes to vulnerable customers, we have a dedicated role. They will be working to continuously improve the process and services that we offer to vulnerable customers. This role has developed over the last four years and Edd is now widely recognised as an industry leader within this field, writing articles, hosting seminars, and working on thought leadership pieces. Here at Ross & Roberts, we are dedicated to improving our approach to welfare.

Team Training

To ensure all our colleagues across every part of our business have a better understanding of vulnerability, we have an extensive training programme with firm audits on how we deal with these customer groups. This means throughout the organisation there is thorough understanding and focus of vulnerability, which is embedded in its core

Vulnerability Reporting

Ensuring we are at the cutting edge of meaningful, intuitive data is a key focus for us. We utilise in-depth vulnerability reporting through our Power BI dashboard, which at the click of a button can show vulnerable caseloads. Developments within our system allow us to understand different types of vulnerability, so we are aware of customers suffering with poor mental health, Covid related issues, redundancy, bereavement, pregnancy, and many more.

Breathing Space

The Debt Respite Scheme, allows for a 60-day statutory pause on all contact and on the accrual of fees, interest, and charges. 

Advice Agencies

We have excellent working relationships with advice agencies. These relationships include nationally, Citizens Advice, Christians Against Poverty, StepChange, Money Advice Trust, and many local level smaller authorities as well such as the Coventry Law Society, Toynbee Hall.

Plain English Crystal Mark

All our written communications are clear and easy to read, in order to increase earlier engagement and resolution from our customers.

Award Winning Vulnerability Strategy

Our stand-out innovative and focused approach over the past few years, responding to our changing world was recognised when we won the 2021 Credit Excellence Award for our vulnerability strategy.

Being recognised within the industry by these expert panels of judges shows how far we have come over the last few years with our vulnerable customer processes. We are leading the way within the enforcement sector when it comes to identifying, managing, and reporting on vulnerable customers.

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At Ross & Roberts, we leverage our experience, expertise and technology to deliver a seamless service that maximises collections and empowers both staff and communities.”

Martyn Shapter, Managing Director